
Dealing with Clinical Information

Dealing with Clinical Information


Dealing with Clinical Information

Medical Specialists

While your stay in the Hospital, you will be served by our team of Doctors comprising medical specialists, assisted by Duty Medical Officer.

Consent Form

After coming to the Hospital, you have given tacit agreement to general treatment, which may be necessary for your condition. Specific procedures, for example, operations, would require your explicit consent in writing. Before you sign a consent form, our staff will explain to you the nature of the procedure and ensure that you have understood what is involved.

Updates on your Medical Condition

Your medical reports and information on your pathological condition are confidential. We will only share this data with you, and next of your family. If your immediate family members wish to know more about your condition, they can approach the Sister in Charge for a convenient time to meet the Consultant. However, as it is not possible for our Consultant to update all your family members who may visit you at different times, we request that you appoint one member to be the liaison to discuss any issue with the doctor.

Leaving the Hospital Premises

As your safety and well-being is our top concern; we advise that you remain within the Hospital premises until you are satisfied by your consultant. If you have to leave the ward for any reason, please inform the Sister in Charge.

A patient who requests to be discharged against Consultant advice will be required to sign a DAMA (Discharge against Medical Advice) form.

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